Our coffees come from the finest coffee farms in the world. We seek out premium farmers & listen to their firsthand accounts and experiences within the industry. Their stories motivate us to purchase our green coffees from the highest quality farms. Park City Coffee Roaster has a responsible role in a larger trade platform. We can empower farmers and workers to lift themselves out of poverty by investing in their farms and communities, protecting the environment and developing their abilities in the global workplace.
Park City Coffee Roaster is a small batch roaster, roasting 20 to 25 lbs at a time. We roast our great beans to the handcrafted traditions set forth by the Roasters Guild of America. This allows for the coffee to be given the special attention it deserves after so much work has been put into the growing, harvesting and selection process. Our small batch roasting gives each coffee roast its own characteristics. This technique allows the beans to be evenly roasted and gives our company the ability to offer the freshest coffee in town. We feel our customers deserve deliciously aromatic cups of coffee that small batch roasting can accomplish.
A family affair